Initial registration fee is due at enrollment. A school year registration charge is $50, and a summer registration charge is $25, totaling $75 each year. At enrollment, you will be billed according to which session you are registering for. This fee is PER FAMILY and is also yearly.
Registration fees DO NOT apply to 'VPK ONLY' families.
School year registration processed in or around the start of the school year - typically August each year. This fee is PER FAMILY, per year.
Summer time registration processed in or around the start of summer camp - typically end of May each year. This fee is PER FAMILY, per year.
We are a full time program. We enroll children based on our full day operating hours of 7am - 6pm.
From your child's second birthday until the first full week after their third.
From the time your child turns 3 until they begin VPK.
Children who turn 4 on or before September 1st are eligible for VPK. The program runs for the duration of the school year BEFORE Kindergarten and is FREE for all Florida families!!
Children may attend from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm on designated VPK days.
VPK children enrolled as full time, utilizing our services full day.
When VPK is not in session for the week (Thanksgiving Break, Winter Breaks, Spring Break and Summer Break), this is the cost for the full time NON VPK program.
Pricing applies to children once they begin Kindergarten through completion of their 5th grade year.
Children who utilize our services before and/or after their school day. Drop off and pickup from Tarpon Elementary & Sunset Hills. Pickup only also available from Tarpon Fundamental.
School Age children in our care during school breaks (such as Spring Break, Winter Break, Summer Camp). This does not include field trip costs and other extras.
Updated 9/24 - Policies and prices are subject to change.